Wednesday, February 19, 2014

STAAR Practice, DLA, Vocabulary, paired contruction

Week #23 February 17-21, 2014

Lesson: STAAR Practice, DLA
Vocabulary: Foreign words - LIST 12: laissez faire, malfeasance, nota bene, non sequitur, quid pro quo, raison d'etre, subpoena, tete-a-tete, touche, tour de force, vis-a-vis, donnybrook, laconic, limerick, marathon, meander, sardonic, sybarite, utopia, waterloo
Grammar:Paired construction

- Vocabulary notes - foreign words list 11 - due: Thursday

The past few weeks after week #18, I have not been able to update the blog. I made a change on this blog - its name. It is now reverted back to English II Academic. That way everyone enrolled in English II academic will use this tool to follow lessons and activities.

On Monday, we started the week with a quiz on the first foreign words list. Then, we continued to tweak our essays on Google Docs before transferring the essays on the STAAR lined paper. 

Yesterday, Tuesday, we revisited our SAR activity using our last selection as the basis of the question. We will continue to pursue this specific activity for practice purposes. 

Today, Wednesday, you will take a part of the DLA. 

Thursday and Friday will be spent finishing the DLA and going back to the SAR assignment we previously had. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Night by Elie Wiesel (Week #18 and #19)

Week #18 January 13-17, 2014

Literature: Night by Elie Wiesel
Vocabulary: Academic - SAT 8
                    CP - SAT 13
Homework: SAT 8 - due: Thursday, January 16
                    SAT 13 - due: Wednesday, January 15

Last week, the academic class started the week with reading the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel, while the CP class started the week with quiz #13. For the rest of the week, we read the memoir. We also responded to a short answer response (SAR) question.

Week #19 January 21-24, 2014

Vocabulary: Academic - SAT 10
                  CP - SAT 15
Homework: Academic - SAT 9, due Thursday
                  CP - SAT 14, due Wednesday

This week, we will continue begin the week with quiz #8 for the academic class and quiz #14 for the CP class.  We will resume reading and discussion of Night and make connections between the memoir and an excerpt from Black Boy. At the end of the week, we will respond to another SAR question.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Advocacy, Night, Historical Background, PowerPoint

Week #17 January 6-10, 2014

Classes resumed on Tuesday, January 7. We started the week with an advocacy meeting where you received your schedules. After which, we met in class and responded to Elie Wiesel's Night anticipation guide. We also began reading the historical background for the memoir. 

On Wednesday, we finished reading the historical background and you took an open notes quiz, which some of you ACED! Yey!

On Thursday, some classes (except 1st and 2nd periods) were able to start reading the memoir after viewing a PowerPoint presentation about memoir, scapegoat, stereotype, and prejudice. 

On Friday, students read an excerpt from Black Boy by Richard Wright and answered questions.  7th period had an extra article to read: "Scapegoat."