Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Persuasive Essay, STAAR

Week #14 November 25-26, 2013

Last week, we reviewed the Fall Benchmark test.  We reviewed the following: persuasive essay and rubric, OER rubric, and question stems.  We also reviewed sentence structure and wrote sentences using vocabulary words. 

This week was a short week. We continued to review STAAR question stems and sentence structure. When you get back from the Thanksgiving holiday, we will continue to our next selection.  

Monday, November 18, 2013

Greek Drama, WITS, STAAR

Week #13 November 18-22, 2013

Literature: Greek Drama
Vocabulary: Academic - SAT 7
                      CP- SAT 12
Writing: WITS poetry, persuasive essay, and OER
- Academic - SAT 6 - due: Thursday, Nov. 21
- CP - SAT 12 - due: Wednesday, Nov 20

Last week, we finished the STAAR Fall District Assessment, but we did not get to read anything that has to do with Greek drama.  We will try to shoot for some readings towards the end of this week.  That week, we also had vocabulary quiz #5 in the academic class and quiz #10 in the CP class. 

This week, we will begin with WITS writing on Monday.  First period will have the WITS writer and will write poetry with her. The other classes will have quiz #6 first, and then the WITS lesson next where they will also write poetry.  First period will have their quiz on Tuesday. The CP class will take quiz #11. 

The next few days will be spent studying the Fall District Assessment accomplished last week and looking at sample essays and OER responses. 

By Thursday or Friday, we hope to read about Greek drama.  

Each level will receive vocabulary lists on Monday, Nov. 18. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Fall District Assessment, Greek Drama

Week #12 November 11-15,2013

Literature: Greek Drama
Vocabulary: Academic - SAT 6
                      CP - SAT 11
- SAT notes 5 - academic - due: Thursday, 11/14
- SAT notes 10 - CP - due: Wednesday, 11/13

Last week, we finally finished our unit on Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Good job on accomplishing all activities related to the novel.

Today, we started the week with quizzes: SAT quiz #5 for academic classes and SAT quiz #10 for the CP class.  After the quiz, we also had a head-start on the Fall District Assessment.  Tomorrow, Tuesday, and for the rest of the week, we will spend time on the district assessment. 

We are now on the 3rd Six Weeks, so let us make the most of it.  Please do not sit on any low grades, for this cycle will go really fast. Before you know it, it is the final exam.  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Of Mice and Men, persuasive essay

Week #11 November 4-8, 2013

Literature: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Writing: Persuasive essay
Vocabulary: Academic - SAT 5 due: Thursday, Nov. 14
                      CP - SAT 10 due: Wednesday, Nov. 13

- Finish the essay, both levels, due: Wednesday, Nov. 6

During week #10, we finished reading the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Ye-hey!  I know a lot of you were saddened by the ending, but don't despair. Soon, we will embark on another adventure, but not too soon.  During this week, we also started a persuasive essay which we will finish during week #11.

We will begin Week #11 with the Of Mice and Men unit test on Monday, Nov. 4.  For the next one to two days, you will finish the persuasive essay you already started last week.  After submission of the essay on Wednesday, we will view the movie adaptation of Of Mice and Men and a short film on John Steinbeck. 

Let's stick to our schedule, so we can continue to indulge ourselves in Greek drama in Week #12.