Saturday, August 31, 2013

Welcome to the new school year 2013-14

Week 1 August 26-30, 2013

This week you met me, greeted your friends back to school, received your syllabus, and had some work done. The following were the activities we accomplished together:

  1. Syllabus and syllabus letter signed
  2. Filled a Survey of Interests.
  3. Wrote and submitted a sample essay.
  4. Received important handouts.
    1. literary and grammar terms
    2. vocabulary list #1 and daily sentence assignments (CP)
  5. Set up your composition notebook for vocabulary notes.
  6. Took notes on the background for "Harrison Bergeron" and Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., its author.
  7. Created and submitted a Fakebook page about you or a character from your summer reading novel.
Note: Only the item labeled "CP" is for the CP class.  The rest are applicable to both academic levels.