Week #25 February 25- March 1, 2013
Literature: Othello by William Shakespeare
Writing: Short Answer Response (SAR) and Expository and Persuasive Essay
Vocabulary: Act I - #s 11-13 - pertain, glutted, sated; Act II #s 1-7 discern, citadel, taint, mock, impediment, hindrance, provocation
- SAT vocab notes on Act I #s 1-10 - due: Wednesday, Feb. 27
- Complete comma assignment. due: Thursday, Feb. 28
Monday- Friday
- Take a vocabulary quiz on Monday covering Act I #s 1-10 words and comma usage. After the quiz, continue discussion on topics/themes in preparation for the reading of Othello.
- Read Othello and answer reading guide questions. Discuss.
- On Wednesday, have a WITS lesson with the WITS writer.
- On Thursday and Friday, continue reading Othello.
Week #24 February 18-22, 2013
Literature: Background on William Shakespeare and the Globe Theater
Writing: Persuasive Writing
Vocabulary: Act I - abhor, detest, cashiered, conjuration, deficient, incense, iniquity, insolent, uncivil, mandate
Academic words: tragic hero, soliloquy, aside, monologue, dramatic irony, motivation, characterization, foil
- SAT vocab notes N#s 51-60 - due: Tuesday, Feb. 19
Monday - Friday
- Students will take vocabulary quiz #6.
- Students will rewrite their persuasive essays.
- Students will review sentences and sentence structure and work on a practice activity.
- Students will read the following:
- William Shakespeare background information.
- The Globe Theater.
- Students will study the academic words.
- Students will begin reading of the play Othello by William Shakespeare.
Week #23 February 11-15, 2013
Literature: Night by Elie Wiesel
Writing: Expository Writing
Vocabulary: N#s 51-60 charred, linger, accumulate, mauling, vitality, crematorium, fraction, liquidation, traumatize, legacy
- SAT vocab notes for N#s 41-50 - due: Monday, Feb.11
- SAT vocab notes for N#s 51-60 - due: Monday, Feb 18
Monday - Friday
- On Monday, take the unit test on Night.
- On Tuesday, write an expository essay.
- On Wednesday, view Elie Wiesel's biography video and students write answers to a set of guide questions about the video.
- On Thursday, continue viewing the video and discuss the questions.
- On Friday, work on a grammar assignment on sentences.
Week #22 February 4-8, 2013
Literature: Night by Elie Wiesel
Writing: Short Answer Response (SAR), Persuasive Writing, WITS writing (word choice)
Grammar: Subject and Predicate
Vocabulary: N#s 41-50 liberation, communal, wizened, vibration, confinement, audible, notorious, infirmary, automaton, inventory
- SAT vocab notes N#s 31-40 - due: Tuesday, Feb. 5
Monday - Tuesday
- Students will take Quiz #4 on Monday.
- For the rest of the week, we will continue to read and discuss Night.
- Students will continue to understand and analyze characters, setting, motivation, figurative language, diction, and syntax.
- On Thursday, we will have the first WITS poetry lesson, so on Wednesday, to prepare for this lesson, we will review elements of poetry.