Friday, August 31, 2012

"Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut

Week #2 September 4-7, 2012

Literature: "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut
Writing: style, tone, and voice
Vocabulary: calibrated, consternation, cower, hindrance, indomitable, luminous, neutralize, omen, symmetry, synchronize, unavailing, vague, vigilance, voluble, wince

  • Materials for this class: three composition notebook, folder or binder - due: September 4
  • SAT vocabulary notebook notes - due: September 4 and 5
Monday - LABOR DAY holiday
  • Students will take the Beginning of Year (BOY) assessment.
  • Students will finish the letter with specific style, tone and voice.

  • Students will take the You Don't Know Me vocabulary quiz.
  • Students will finish the letter with specific style, tone and voice.
  • Read "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut.
  • Complete letter written in a specifuc style, tone, and voice.
  • Discuss "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut.
  • Prepare for a vocabulary quiz on Monday.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Welcome to the new school year 2012-2013

Week#1 August 27-31, 2012

Literature: Summer reading - You Don't Know Me by David Klass
Writing: Sentences
Vocabulary: levitating, salient, ponderous, tundra, prowess, crescendo, portal, incremental, girth, mayhem, edification, emetic, heinous,eviscerated, nostalgia

  • Bring all materials required in the syllabus by August 31 or September 4.
  • Bring back the white paper part of the syllabus by August 28.
  • Bring a small photo of you, glue stick and colored pens or markers by August 29.
  • Prepare for a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, September 4.
Monday - Wednesday
  • Receive syllabus and welcome letter.
  • Write a personal bio-poem and a literary bio-poem and share with the class. You may use a word, or words from the vocabulary list. Create a poster of the bio-poem.
  • Go over the summer novel.
  • Discuss irony, point of view, and tone.  Read and analyze a quote/passage from the novel. Analyze the irony, point of view and tone in the quote/passage.
  • Work on a writing assignment.
  • Listen to a reading of a short, short, short fairy tale story to review the elements of fiction. Be ready with your pen and notebook.
  • Identify the setting, character traits, point of view, and theme; and write answers in an Elements of Fiction Chart.