Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week #35 May 21-25, 2012

The remaining number of times we meet from Monday through Thursday this week will be used for final exam preparation. Make sure you have been working on the exercises in your study packet. Bring your reviewer everyday. Books issued to you by me will be collected this week. Please make sure you have it/them with you. Friday of this week is the first day of final exams.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week #34 May 14-18, 2012

Literature: Poetry
Writing: Script, poetry, essay
Vocabulary: literary terms

- Study for final exam

Monday - Friday

  • Learn poetry and its elements.
  • Present reality shows.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week #33 May 7-11, 2012

Literature: William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and poetry
Writing: script, iambic pentameter, feminine ending, shared lines


  • vocabulary notes - due Tuesday and Wednesday, May 8 and 9
  • Script - May 7
  • Video presentation - May 14 or 15

  • Each group should prepare for the project presentation next week. 
  • Read, annotate, and discuss selected poems.
  • Prepare for a poetry test.