Saturday, April 23, 2011

Week #33 April 25-9, 2011

Literature: William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Grammar: Review PARTS of a SENTENCE until students learn them.
Vocabulary: Act IV mace Act V cross, exigent, parley, reveller, consorted, disconsolate, pit, smatch

  • Vocabulary SAT notes with sentences - due Thursday
  • PERSUASIVE ESSAY: The assassination of Julius Caesar is, or is not, a virtuous act. - due Monday, April 26 for conferencing, and due on on Friday, May 3.
  • Study guide for Act IV - due Monday, May 2, 2011
Daily Activities

Have an individual conference with me about the essay homework and write the 2nd draft in class.

Tuesday - Friday
  • TAKS schedule
  • Continue to read, annotate, and discuss the play.
  • View film clips of Julius Caesar.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Week #32 April 18-21, 2011

Literature: William Shaksepeare's Julius Caesar
Grammar: Identify parts of a sentence and use proper punctuation.
Vocabulary: Act IV hollow, charges, choler, waspish, vaunting, indirection, covetous, infirmity, rote, scope, vilely, cynic, offense, ripe, ommitted, niggard

- Vocabulary SAT notes - due every Thursday
- Sentences with identified parts and use of proper punctuation - due every Friday

1. Take Quiz #11 voc. puissant to forms/Act II. Discuss the quiz.
2. Continue to read, annotate, and discuss the Act III.

1. Continue to read, annotate, and discuss the Act III and Act IV.
2. Write a thematic essay in class. Topic will be provided during class.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Week #31 April 11-15, 2011

Literature: William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Grammar: parts of a sentence
Vocabulary: Act III - puissant, couchings, cur, apprehensive, bootless, knot, rank, modesty, oration, censure, extenuate, reverence, mantle, rent,dint, vesture, forms


- Vocabulary SAT notes - due every Thursday
- Sentences - due Friday - Use each word in a sentence that has a predicate adjective or predicate nominative. Identify all parts of the sentence.

1. Quiz # 10- augment-augurers/ Act I and Act II Scen 1
2. Discuss quiz.
3. Continue reading.

Read and annotate Act III.

Early Dismissal
Work on a vocabulary crossword puzzle.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Week #30 April 4-8, 2011

Literature: William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Grammar: Focus on parts of a sentence
Vocabulary: augment, whet, interim, phantasma, insurrection, visage, affability, semblance, prick, palter, cautelous, carrion, insuppressive, contriver, augurer

- Vocabulary SAT notes - due every Thursday
- Sentences - due Friday - Use each word in a sentence that has a predicate adjective or predicate nominative. Identify all parts of the sentence.

1. Quiz #9 vocabulary: jealous to tempest.
2. Continue reading, annotating, and discussing play, questions, and answers.

Tuesday- Friday
Read, annotate, and discuss Julius Caesar.
Analyze grammar style used in the play.